SOLD! – 20 Montvale St, Roslindale, MA (Sold)

Warren Reynolds
Warren Reynolds
Franklin, MA, 02038
United States
Period featuresinclude built-in china cabinet, dentil molding, bull’s-eye rosettes, high ceilings and gorgeous hardwoods. Pet friendly; up to 2 pets are welcome. Ample on street parking for guests, 2nd car. Vinyl windows, white woodwork, recent HVAC. Lovely side street setting on a hill, affording great sun exposure and pretty views from rear porch. Close to Bellevue commuter rail station, easy access to Arnold Arboretum, Roche Bros, restaurants and shops. Short drive to Roslindale Square and West Roxbury Center.
Contact Warren Reynolds at 508-561-6259 with questions about this property or to get a copy of our home marketing plan!
See all of our recent home listings and sales here.

Warren Reynolds
Warren Reynolds enjoys 20+ years of home-selling success in Franklin, MA and throughout the Greater Boston region. A real estate broker as well as an attorney, Warren is highly skilled in contract and real estate law, giving clients valuable advantages in deal negotiation and sales contract finalization.
See a short video from Warren: The Advantages Warren Offers You
Warren continually upgrades his extensive digital marketing expertise, enabling him to engage in sophisticated online marketing, cutting-edge social media promotion, and digital video promotion of his listings.
See how Warren markets homes: Digital Marketing Master
Warren has a rare talent for resolving objections and shepherding sales to closing. He’s honest , ethical, and treats everyone with respect and fairness!
See what others say about Warren: Testimonials
Warren Reynolds
Franklin , MA 02038
United States